Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rats (the animals)

      I don't mean any rat, I mean Rattus rattus, or the Asian Black Rat. Why this rat? Because right now I'm trying to raise two of them. I do animal rehab and animal control brought our hospital seven of them as tiny babies (cubs or kittens). We didn't know what species they were, so they told me, "If they are a native species raise, rehad and release them. If they are an exotic species kill them."      Well I have identified them and they are an exotic species. They are Rattus rattus, also known as Ship Rats, Citrus Rats, Black Rats, Roof Rat, Tree Rat, House Rat, Fruit Rat, Sewer Rarts or Plague Rats. These babies were about a week and a half old when I got them. Of the original seven two are still alive. I'm doing my best to help them. I keep their cage on a heating pad. I hand feed them. I massage them to stimulate growth and digestion. If I was raising an Opossum, Raccoon, Alligator or some other native animal I'd be upset if they didn't all survive. But with these I'm concerned if any of them DO survive.
     Later...All seven didn't make it and were all fed to my pet Florida Snapping Turtle. With mixed feelings, I'm sad my cute little Rats didn't make it, but at the same time I'm happy America if free of seven more Black Rats. I always enjoy feeding exotic invasive species to native ones.

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