Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"The Evil Dead" (Movie)

          It is just six days until Halloween! Really I celebrate the weirdness all year long. But it's nice to see the world get into it too for a week. Today I have some hours to "kill" before I go teach a Tai Chi Class, so I'm watching"Evil Dead". I haven't seen many zombie movies, so I'm catching up on them.
      This movie starts off with an odd scene where a woman is raped by some branches. If this kind of sexual scene bothers you, try to skip ahead. The plot is more about possesions than zombies. What I mean is, the possesions make people into zombies.
     I've got a lot to learn about zombies. I guess they can be made in all sorts of ways. When I started studing vampires I was suprised how each writer would alter their reality. I guess watching zombie movies will be like that too.

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